Secondary raw materials
After professional sorting and preparation, these materials are used as feedstock for the remelting industry or in the production of fire-resistant materials or abrasives.
Iron scrap
Non-ferrous scrap
Alloy scrap
Sintered carbides
Tool scrap
Broken grinding disks
Fireproof materials
Broken ceramics
Professional recycling benefits the environment around us by saving valuable resources.
Constant refinements in the material processing of secondary raw materials, innovative mixing and separating techniques enable us to obtain high-quality feedstock for industry.
Plant approved pursuant to the German Recycling Management and Waste Disposal Act (“Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz”, KrW-/AbfG) and the German Federal Immission Control Act (“Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz”, BimSchG) (Item 8.9 b Column 2, Item 8.11 Column 2a, Item 8.11 Column 2b according to the 4th Federal Immission Control Regulation (“Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung”, BimSchV))
Procedure pursuant to the AbfverbrG (“Abfallverbringungsgesetz”, German Waste Shipment Act) pursuant to Schedule IIA/IIB | R4 / R 5 / R 13 |
Disposal/recycling company no. | H02110950 |
Licensing authority | Böblingen Environmental Protection Office (“Umweltschutzamt”) |
Licensing notice | 41-106.11 dated 7 Oct 1998, and the amendment of 10 Jan 2002 |
Monitoring authority | Böblingen District Administration (“Landratsamt”) |
Transport approval no. | H0203319-00058 (file no. 47-721.02/Ott) & amendment notice dated 16 Jan 2002 |
Carrier no. | H02110950 |